The duckfamily had to abandon their homepound because of noise pollution from waterscooters. Whole family including parents, granny, granfather and triplets moved to an old sewing machine which they found from the old shed in Gardenville. When they also found some strings and fabrics, they decided to open up a fabulous boutique.

Mrs Waddle has just gave birth to those darling triplets, Fifi, Gigi and Henry. Triplets follow their mother everywhere and Mrs Waddle doesn't like to let them from her eyes for a moment.
Mr Waddle is a really busy duck. He takes care the boutique with Mrs Waddle but has to do most of the job because triplets keep their mother busy.

Granny Waddle's memory isn't the same it was back when she was young. When she is babysitting the triplets, she keeps forgetting and mixing up thier names. Fifi is Gigi, Henry is Fifi and Gigi is Henry. Sometimes she even forgets her husband's name. ;)
Granfather Waddle spends his days reading newspapers at his favorite armchair. He isn't that excited about triplets because their noise gives him headache. Though he tells them stories more than eagerly when they sit front of him quietly.
Triplets means a triple trouble. Henry in blue, Gigi in green and Fifi in white are still all babies and sleep a lot. And when they are not sleeping they keep getting in wrong places and messing up their parents boutique... :) Mother is happy.

The sewing machine -playset includes:

- Mrs. Waddle
- Mr. Waddle
- Granfather Waddle
- Sewing Machine which opens up to reveal the house and boutique, the wheel moves the stairs up and down and the clock spins.
- Black sewing machine with a brown bench
- A lot of stamp clothes
- Grey scissors
- Newspaper
I'll note my missing pieces with red.
Triplets and Granny Waddle comes with the smaller playset with a train toy, a pink parasol, a small dresser and a triplet's bed. In US, it is called Hiding Place (shaped like a Coinpurse), unfortunately I haven't ever seen it for real... In Europe we only had the ducks and the accessories in a pack. No hiding place... :( Check out this site to see the hiding places from US.

I like the family a lot, though Fifi isn't my favourite from the triplets.. As you can see from the pictures, I wasn't that good at putting the stamps to the walls.. :D Then I came up with an idea to put some of the clothes on a paper and cut them out... If you use this same idea, try thicker paper.. :D mine were too thin so it doesn't fit their hands well.. The sewing machine house is a big one, but not many furnitures go well there because of the shape.. I like the wheel and the swing because there aren't many houses with moving parts.. :) Not sure when I bought this house but I remember buying it before I bought the little playset including the rest of the family.